



MyMediTravel is one of the leading medical information and referral companies. The MMT mission is to provide customers with a single marketplace for all Medical Tourism requirements, from information and research materials to searching and finding the most suitable hospital to facilitate their every requirement. New customers will certainly have questions about sharing medical information with a new partner;  the medical tourism guide and FAQ offer authority and additional chances to capture click-throughs. MyMediTravel Articles offers an ongoing assortment of articles which are not only highly relevant and helpful to potential customers, but allow for a near-interminable linking structure.

MyMediTravel was built on our existing brokerage platform, which saved on development costs significantly, including both money and more importantly, time. The platform was built, released, marketed and in less than 6 months is already gathering more than 600 daily users primarily from organic traffic sources, along with highly-qualified leads who are ready to transact. Since the platform can easily handle hospital and clinic properties worldwide, partnerships are made with participating hospitals and resellers to fully utilize leads in far-away markets. Fully operational in Thailand and worldwide (including a Chinese-language focused site), with additional local language- and region-targeted sites like Mordee (Thailand), Dokku (Indonesia), and Bacsiday (Vietnam). Find out more about MyMediGroup here.


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